Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Q1). (a)
i). What is a Database Trigger?
ii).Explain the concept of Stored Procedure and briefly describe the advantage of using triggers?
i).What is a view?
ii).How it is related to data independence?
Q 2).
a). (i). What is a distributed system?
(ii). What are the advantages of distributed systems?
b). (i).What is a remote query ?
(ii).How it is processed?
Q 3).
a). Explain the need of concurrency control.
What is its significance in Banking Transaction?
b). (i). Explain what you understand by cookies? How are they useful?
(ii)What are the advantages of using sessions over cookies and URL Rewriting?
Q 4).
(a). (i). What is the difference between an Applet and Servlet?
(ii). What is a life cycle of a Servlet?
(b) .
(i). Why is a XML important for a database application?
Q 5). (a). Discuss in details the use of a Computer Network?
(b). (i). What is ICMP?
(ii). What is difference between ARP and RARP?
Q 6). (a). What security techniques are used to protect computer systems ?
(b). How is data protected during transmission over a network?
Q 7). (a). How has E-Business changed the definition of enterprise systems ?
(b). Distinguish between the various Normal forms in a database ?
Q 8). (a). (i).What are the different types of Back UP possible for the data in a database ?
(ii). Briefly describe them ?
(b). (i). What is a Data Warehouse?
(ii). How it is difference from a database?